28 Des 2011

Theory of formation of the Earth

The process of formation of earth from several theories:

•    Big Bang Theory
    This theory is the most famous. Based on Big Bang Theory, the process of formation of the earth originated from tens of billions of years ago. At first there were wisps of fog giant spinning on its axis. Round it does allow small parts and light was thrown out and gathered a large part in the center, forming a giant disc. At one point, the giant mist exploded with a vengeance in outer space which later formed the galaxies and nebula, nebula. Over a period of approximately 4.6 billion years old, the nebula nebula-freeze and form a galaxy called the Milky Way's name, then formed the solar system. Meanwhile, the light which had been thrown off condenses to form clots that cools and solidifies. Then, the clumps that formed the planets, including planet Earth.
    During its development, planet earth continues to experience a gradual process and to form it is today. There are three stages in the process of formation of the earth, namely:
1.    Initially, the planet earth is still a homogeneous and has not experienced bedding or difference element.
2.    Establishment of bedding structure of the earth that begins with the occurrence of differentiation. Iron material is its density is greater will sink, while the lighter weight species will move to the surface.
3.    the Earth is divided into five layers, namely inner core, outer core, the mantle, outer mantle, and crust. Changes in the earth caused by weather and climate change.

•    Kant-Laplace theory Fog
    Since the time before Christ, the experts have a lot of thinking and doing an analysis of natural phenomena. Starting the 18th century scholars had thought process of the Earth. Do you remember about the theory of fog (nebula) proposed by Immanuel Kant (1755) and Pierre de Laplace (1796). They are famous for fog Kant-Laplace theory. In this theory proposed that in the universe there is a gas which is then assembled into mists (nebulae). Force of attraction between these gases form a very large collection of fog and spinning faster and faster. In the process very quick turnaround, the material parts of the equatorial haze thrown apart and solidified (for cooling). The part is then thrown into the planets in the solar system.

•    Planetesimal theory
    A century after the theory of the mist, appeared planetesimal theory advanced by Chamberlin and Moulton. This theory has revealed that in the beginning there is the sun's origin. At one point, the sun's origin is approached by a large star, which led to the withdrawal on the part of the sun. Solar energy due to the withdrawal of earlier origin, there was a great explosions. The gas exploded out of the solar atmosphere, then condenses and freezes as solid objects, and called planetesimals. These planetesimals in its development into the planets, and one of them is our planet Earth.
Basically, the theoretical processes of the planets and the earth, starting daribenda gaseous temperature is very hot. Then due process and turnaround time (centrifugal) quickly, then the cooling occurs that causes compaction (on the outside). Adapaun Earth's inner body temperature remains high.

•    Tidal Theory of Gases
    This theory was put forward leh jeans and Jeffreys, namely, that a massive star near the sun in a short distance, thus causing the ebb and flow in the body of the sun, when the sun was still in a gaseous state. The occurrence of the tides on Earth as we know, size, very small. The reason is the small mass of the moon and the distance of the moon to the Earth (60 times the radius of Earth's orbit). However, if a star's mass is almost as large as the sun approaches the sun, it will form a kind of giant mountains of waves on the body of the sun, caused by an earlier star attraction. Mountain-high guung will achieve remarkable and form a kind of immense incandescent tongue, protruding from the mass of the sun before and stretch toward the big star.

    In the heat of the tongue is the case sealing gases and finally the columns will be broken, and then split into separate objects, ie planets. Massive star that causes the withdrawal on the body parts the sun was, move on in the universe, so it will gradually lose its effect on earlier-shaped planet. The planets will revolve around the sun and cools. This cooling process was slow on large planets like Jupiter and Saturn, while on a small rocky planets like our Earth, runs relatively faster cooling.

    While the cooling takes place, the planets around the sun was still in an elliptical orbit, so most likely at some point meraka will approach the sun within a short distance. As a result of the withdrawal force of the sun, there will be ups and downs on planetary bodies of the new born. The sun will draw material from the columns of the planets, so was born the months (satellites) that revolve around the planets. role in shaping the sun held this month in principle the same as the big star role in shaping the planets, as discussed above.
•    Twin Stars Theory
    This theory was put forward by an expert Astronomy RA Lyttleton. According to this theory, galaxies comes from a combination of twin stars. One of the exploded star, so much material that was thrown. Since the star that exploded not have the force of gravity is still strong, then the fractional distribution of stars surrounding the star explosion which did not explode. The star that exploded was not the sun, while another fraction of stars that are the planets that surround it


There are two conclusions that can be taken from the explanation of the formation process of the earth, namely:
1.    Earth from a giant blob that exploded terrible fog, then forming galaxies and nebulae. After that, nebulae freezes to form the Milky Way, and system of surya.Bumi formed from the small light that was thrown out when a giant exploding mist that cools and solidifies, forming the earth.
2.    Three stages of the process of formation of the earth, ie starting from the beginning the earth was formed, differentiation until the earth began to split into several zones or layers, namely the core, outer core, mantle deep, outer mantle, and crust.

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