16 Des 2011

The rocks in the earth (Types and formation)

Rock is a solid material composed of crystals of various kinds of minerals, crystals or fragments of minerals, rock fragments, and may also contain fragments of shells of organisms. The rocks are composed of materials called minerals, which are substances that are formed due to crystallization of geological processes, which have physical and chemical composition that is formed naturally. So the rock-forming minerals are substances. Rocks can be composed by a mixture of several kinds of minerals or mineral
Classification of rock's most simple and basic is the classification of rocks based on genesanya or origin or how it happened. Based on their origin, rocks can be divided into three types, namely:
1.      Igneous rocks, ie rocks derived from the freezing and crystallization of magma.
2.      Sedimentary rocks, the rocks are derived from other rocks rombakan who have been there before either igneous, sedimentary or metamorphic
3.      Metamorphic rocks, ie rocks derived from other rocks that have been there before (igneous, sedimentary or metamorphic) are undergoing a process of metamorphosis, ie changes in the solid state due to high temperature and pressure, or due to hydrothermal fluids.
In the process there is a rock formation called the "rock cycle" or the rock cycle, rock cycle can be seen in the formation and cycles that occur in rocks (igneous, sedimentary and metamorphic rocks). This can be seen below the rock cycle

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